TN, E-3, and O-1 Request Procedure
The request process for E-3 and O-1 status is similar to the H-1B request procedure. Therefore, please submit an H1B Request Form and indicate the status (E-3 or O-1) desired.
For TN requests please complete a TN Request Form
Documentation required to complete request:
- ToFO (Terms of Faculty Offer) or other contract/offer letter.
(Please do not submit the request until all of the terms of the offer have been finalized and the employee has accepted the ToFO.) - PageUp Position Description
(or similar if PageUp PD is not available). - Employee's CV/Resume & VT ID.
(If you don't know the employee's VT ID please reach out to your HR representative.) - Conviction check completion from HR.
- OESRC Non-Immigrant Export Compliance sign-off sheet. The supervisor should complete form and submit to OESRC. After OESRC clears and approves, the supervisor will receive the required one-page sign-off sheet.
- GSS Department Approval and Signature Form.
Please allow sufficient time for any and all requests; the exact timelines for each petition will depend on the exact circumstances of the request and the foreign national. A lead time of 2-3 months is recommended.