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General Information
For a J-1 Scholar or Student Intern who is currently in the U.S. in J-1 status, a transfer of program sponsorship is possible if the purpose of the transfer is to complete the original objective for which the J-1 was admitted.  The transfer process must be coordinated between the international offices of the J-1’s current institution and the institution to which the J-1 wishes to transfer and there can be no gap between the end date at one institution and the begin date at the other institution.  A transfer effective date will be agreed upon between the two institutions and on that date the J-1 may no longer engage at the transfer out institution and the new institution will be able to issue a new DS-2019 for the J-1.
Procedures to Transfer in to Virginia Tech
For a J-1 scholar or student intern to transfer from another institution to Virginia Tech, the transfer-in form must be completed by the incoming J-1, the VT host department and the J-1’s current institution and submitted to GSS with the required documents attached.  J-1 Scholars and Student Interns who transfer to VT must update their address with GSS and validate the transfer within 10 days of the transfer effective date.
Procedures to Transfer out from Virginia Tech
For a J-1 scholar or student intern to transfer from Virginia Tech to another institution, the transfer-out form must be completed by the outgoing J-1, the VT host department and the J-1’s transfer-to institution.  On the transfer effective date agreed upon by VT and the new institution, the J-1 may no longer be engaged at VT.
Transfers and International Travel
Traveling internationally once a transfer effective date has been entered into SEVIS may be difficult.  Therefore, J-1s who are considering travelling internationally during the time of their transfer should discuss these plans with GSS.